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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Genetic Counseling & Testing

I got good news yesterday that I will be able to have the blood test done to see if I have the BRAC-1 or BRAC-2 gene mutation.  I was concerned that I was going to have to further 'qualify' by having the right combination of family cancer history.  But I learned that I do qualify already and will hopefully learn the results two weeks after the blood test....my appointment is in two weeks.

I asked the doctor yesterday what would his recommendation be if the test comes back positive.  He said that I have a 7% chance of getting a positive result and that he really doesn't think I'll need to worry about it.  But, if I do get a positive, he would recommend a mastectomy and removal of my ovaries.

7%.......this is a time I really don't want to be special!  :)

Hope you're having a good day!
Thanks for caring and reading my blog!


  1. I'm glad you're having the BRAC done; it will be a relief to find you don't have the gene and if you should test positive, you will have all the tools in place to make wise decisions. I truly believe in the power of prayer! Love, Jan
